The periods in between the time you read it will  increase to seven days even 14 days and upwards and every time you come back to review the expert Birmingham essay writing information you'll realize that you'll start to remember the material better each time to the  point where if you had a question in the exam you'd be able to remember everything perfectly.

One cavity to using this memorization technique is that you need to be organized and start preparing  for your exams well in advance obviously if you're cramming in your revision for your exam tomorrow  this isn't going to Leicester city essay writing near me work as well however the next study method utilizing the pareto principle just  might help you the pareto principle the pareto principle also known as the 80 20 rule suggests  that 80 of outcomes results in 20 of the causes.

So for example it's very likely that 80 of the grades  that you achieve come from 20 of your studying so you need to prioritize this 20 but what exactly  does this mean when you're studying there are some tasks that you'll be doing that are not that  important they won't directly help you with your final exams and this is the 80 of your study and these tasks might include background reading for your textbooks or completing homework assignments from the lecturer then there are tasks that do directly affect your grades and this is the 20  of your studying that you need to prioritize this involves answering past paper questions and  consolidating and summarizing lecture notes in preparation for your exam your brain can only  retain a certain amount of information before over time it starts to forget in late 19th century german psychologist herbert ebbinghaus dubbed this the forgetting curve so if you're trying to make  your studying.

As efficient as you can and study as smart as possible it's important that you spend  more time focusing on the study areas that will directly affect your exam paper and this often  means you don't need to read whole textbooks but rather just focus on areas that you think or that  you know will be in the exam definement technique when you're studying for an exam it's important  that you put effort into truly understanding the information it's extremely difficult to memorize  and recall something if you don't understand what it is or what it means and if you forget some  part of it you'll not be able to continue because you've only memorized the order of the words not  the actual meaning.

So what you should do is read the entire piece of information and rewrite it or  reword it in your own words the feynman technique is a good way of testing yourself to see whether  you truly do understand something definement technique involves teaching the content that you have just learned to others and it involves four basic steps step one study this is as simple  as it gets just sit down and study a topic step two and here's the interesting part teach  what you just learned when you were studying to someone with zero knowledge of the subjects  but make sure that your books and notebooks are closed you should teach someone who hasn't  even read the basics of the field.