hey friends this is malki assad and in today's video i'll share with you a few tips on how you can study admission Essay writing help 12 hours a day without burning up i use this technique myself when i was studying for my medical school for usmle exams and today i will share with you some of these strategies from the moment you wake up your study schedule food exercise social life until the moment you.

Sleep before we start make sure to subscribe to the channel hit the bell sign and have a look at my website at my blog which can help you in your study preparation and your smelly exams and now let's get started if you are committing to study 12 hours a day and you sleep between seven to eight hours a day that will leave you around four to five hours of breaks and breaks for everything for food for fun going out exercises and breaks between your studying times so you have to be very committed to your study schedule and have a detailed look of every moment you spend throughout your day and the first thing i want to start talking about is the wake up to chair time and what i mean by wake up to chair time is from the moment you open your eyes till you start studying.

How much time do you spend for this process for some students it might be half an hour others it might be hour or two hours so you have to minimize that amount from the moment you open your eyes till you sit on the chair to start studying because this is wasted time you're not doing anything productive during that time so imagine if you're spending around two to three hours during that just that period if you transition that time into studying or breaks or going out that would be much more fun for me personally wake up to chair time is around 20 minutes and i didn't get there the first day i started studying it evolved over time and it improved over time so when you start studying if your time is around two hours try the next day to decrease it to around hour and a half after a week or two weeks try to decrease it to one hour until you get to around 3 30 minutes to 20 minutes if the wake up to cheer time for you is long try to look at where is this time spent are you spending a long time in bed from the time you wake up until you get up or is it between getting up and having the mood stick to sit and start studying.

So try to analyze where is that time spent it might be challenging to get up directly after you wake up after a few minutes but try to motivate yourself by saying if i get up right away after a minute or two from waking up i can use that time to study or use that time to go out with friends and have fun look at the time you spend from the moment you get up until you sit on the chair how much time do you spend to go wash your face brush your teeth make coffee and try to minimize that time as much as possible so try to spend a maximum of five minutes from the moment you wake up until you get up around five minutes to brush your teeth wash your face go to the restroom and around 10 minutes to prepare your coffee prepare your desk and start studying now after you minimize the wake up to chair time we have to start looking at the time that you are actually studying and there are so many study schedules and studying techniques the first one is just freestyle you start studying and when you start feeling bored you go and take a break there is no specific time for the break you come back and study until you feel bored and you take another break the second technique is task driven,

so you would say to yourself i would finish 10 pages and after the 10 pages i would take five minute break and then you come back afterwards and you finish another 10 pages and you take another break so your breaks would depend on how much you can finish if the first 10 pages took an hour you would take your break after an hour if the second 10 pages took 2 hours you would stay studying until you finish the second 10 pages and you take your break so it depends on the task that you can finish rather than the time it takes to finish that task and the third technique is the pomodoro technique in which you decide that i will be studying for 25 minutes and then i will take five minutes break or i would study for 50 minutes and i would take then 10 minutes break there are so many variations of the pomodoro technique and the ratio between studying time and number of breaks and length of the break would depend on you if you're able to sit for long hours without feeling tired and bored maybe you do two or three hours of studying and then you take 10 or 20 minutes break if you're someone who can get distracted very easily if they stay for long hours of studying maybe do the half an hour five minutes break and then take another half an hour of studying 10 minutes break so have more breaks and divide them across the study time me personally i prefer to study for longer time periods without breaks because i can stay focused without feeling bored and taking break every hour or every half an hour would disrupt my thoughts but if you can stay focused for longer time periods definitely take breaks but make them short if you take very long breaks between your studying times you it would be harder to get back to the mood of studying and to the line of thoughts that you had before taking the break so if you're studying for half an hour don't take half an hour of break maybe five minutes of break if you're studying for an hour don't take half an hour of break afterwards maybe 10 minutes or 15 minutes maximum regarding which technique i preferred when i was studying for my exams i used to prefer the second technique which is task driven so i would finish 10 pages and then i'll take a break another 10 pages and then i'll take a break if i'm studying a question bank for example you all i would study 10 questions and then take a break and i decide how many pages how many questions by the amount of time it usually takes to finish these questions so usually i prefer to study for one continuous hour so if i take an hour for each 10 questions i would say to myself i would finish 10 questions if i can finish 20 questions in one hour i'll study 20 questions and then take a break so i feel that this technique and this strategy helped me stay motivated to finish and then take the break if i'm using the pomodoro technique i'm motivated to finish the time but during that time period during the half an hour or an hour i'm not supposed to finish certain number of questions but using the second technique i'm motivated to finish certain number of questions or certain pages so productivity in order to get the reward which is the break these days i'm using combination of the pomodoro technique and the second technique because sometimes there is variability in the amount of time you need to finish 10 questions so if the first 10 questions took you an hour to finish but the second 10 questions took you two hours to finish here you would start feeling bored and you need the break so now i use a combination sometimes i feel more of studying in the pomodoro technique other days i like to study in the second technique which is the task so you have to choose and balance between whatever techniques works best for you and stick with that but in order to study 12 hours a day you have to have a very clear idea of how many blocks are you studying how long does each block last you’re the division of your breaks how long does each break last and you have to have that set up in advance and now let's talk about food when you're studying for exams and you're planning to study for 12 hours a day.