Indirectly showing off 2K MT how detailed the creation-a-wrestler program is. The wrestlers featured in this video are Ronald McDonald, Goku, Snoop Dogg and Thanos all of which are very accurate representations of characters from the game.

All these custom wrestlers just showcase how imaginative WWE 2K players are and their ability to make the most out of the game's creation tools. The above creations are just four of the hundreds in some cases thousands of models available to download and download in the event that certain designs fit into a player's in-game promotion or catch their eyes.

WWE is following 2K22 in Role-Playing Games

While the WWE is known best by its annual title competitions as part of 2K Games, the professional wrestling team is currently developing an RPG. While the WWE is well-known as a gaming company for its long-running games franchise, most recently WWE 2k, the world top professional wrestler, has been rumored to be launching an RPG.

Gaming and professional wrestling may not seem like the most obvious combination, but the two are more in common than one may think, as many famous wrestlers are self-professed gamers. WWE superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin even ended a lengthy The Legend of Zelda debate in a recent clip.

The majority of the entries within the WWE 2K series have included the option of a campaign mode where players can create their own wrestlers to guide them through the challenges and trials facing rising stars in the sport. The career mode, while not a perfect match, do have some RPG elements, including character creation, dialog options, and critical choices (though the true significance of these choices can be debated).

Through these career options, which can vary greatly among games, players get to experience the pleasure that comes from starting as a beginner and then achieving their goals Buy MT 2K23 and enjoying a lot of the same gameplay features as other game modes. However it's not provided with the same amount of post-launch support as WWE 2K DLC.