Lost Ark Gold: How to Change Outfits & Character Appearance

Lost Ark is an MMOARPG that was just released in the English-speaking regions, and it features an intricate combat system, which takes cues from the action RPG roots from Diablo. Diablo series. Set in the world of Arkesia, players must hunt for and locate the lost Ark and stop its falling into the hands of a hostile. Here's how you can change your character's appearance and attire for Lost Ark.

Do you have the ability to alter your appearance in Lost Ark?

In the beginning, at the time of this writing, it is not possible to change the physical appearance of your character within the game. This is why we suggest that you invest as long as you need in the character creator to ensure that your avatar is how you would like them to. After you've created your own character won't be capable of making any changes to their hairstyle or facial attributes.

However, you can still have some say over their appearance and attire.

Costumes that change character and Clothes

1.To change your character's outfit you can simply alter their clothing and equipment.

Click the "I" key in order to show your inventory. Then, right-click on the gear you want to equip to make it equipable. Each piece of equipment is quite different from the others and will modify your character's appearance. Of course, as you advance and work to complete the story, you'll have to swap out your gear frequently so you are likely to see your appearance alter somewhat.

2.There's no transmog or glamour system in this game, although the content at the end of the game includes some nicer-looking armor sets.

Unlike in other MMORPGs like WoW or FFXIV In FFXIV, there's no option to transmog your armor to make it take on the appearance of other clothing items , that means you must use what you've got. That said, once you've reached the endgame content at the level of 50. you'll have access nicer pieces of armor which will help to make your character look more unique.

There's nothing much character customization to play around with once you've joined the game proper. We recommend that you spend enough time in the character creator in order to get your Cheapest Lost Ark Gold character done perfectly before embarking on your journey.