A Rare Crest will give you the opportunity to find a 1- or 2-Star Legendary Gem on finishing any Elder Rift, while using a Legendary Crest guarantees that D2R Ladder Items the Legendary Gem will drop with a slim chance of getting a 5-Star Legendary Gem. The more crests that you insert to an Elder Rift, the more gems you'll receive in the end as rewards.

There are a few other ways to get Legendary Gems. They can be bought (or traded) from other users on the Marketplace using Platinum and they can be created using an amalgamation made up of Runes as well as Platinum. It is possible to craft 1or 2-Star Legendary Gems at the Jeweler.

or create a random Legendary Gem for a chance of earning a five-star Legendary Gem. Additionally, you can use Fading Ember in the Fading Ember Merchant to purchase certain 12 and 3 Star Legendary Gems and the inventory of the merchant changing weekly. Last but not least the Legendary Gems can be found inside Battle Pass in the game.

Due to the fact that they are extremely rare and how few, 5-Star Legendary gems are in the game, you'll primarily be looking to find and upgrade 2-Star Legendary Gems when you first start out.Finding as well as equipping Legendary Gems that synergize with your character and build is key.How to upgrade Legendary Gems

In order to make the Legendary Gem stronger, you'll need to rank them up. Doing this boosts the gem's Combat Rating, Resonance bonus as well as its primary characteristics. After a rank of 3. another benefit of the Legendary Gem will unlock the ability to unlock a bonus magic find, and at rank 5. the gem will also award bonus magic find. Legendary Gems can be upgraded up to an maximum of rank 10. After that, they can be utilized to Buy D2R Ladder Items "awaken" the Legendary item, giving several additional effects contingent upon the Legendary item that is awakened.