This pattern continues to be seen because a majority of Madden NFL 23's alleged efforts to "improve player safety" are more about public relations and Madden 23 Coins not much else. The league has been reacting to serious injuries sustained by their most well-known players, and they institute these rules to convince players that they won't let this occur again.

Ask yourself this, if you believed that the Madden NFL 23 really was concerned about safety of players what would make them move so quickly to change that reduction in helmet rules during the preseason after players, fans, and coaches all voiced their concerns loudly?

It's what the Madden NFL 23 made happen when it implemented the new lowering-helmet rule in the preseason.

This rule change was a bullshit reaction in response to Steeler linebacker Ryan Schazier's spinal injury in a game where he lowered his head right prior to contact in a tackle attempt, but it wasn't really about player safety to begin with. My prayers are up for Shazier as his recovery continues However, one minor accident shouldn't prompt changes to rules, especially one that was as poorly designed as that lowering-the helmet rule.

It's funny that the Madden NFL 23 is so obsessed with PR and nothing else that when they relented and basically changed the lowering the helmet rule to the way it was previously yet they maintained through their press release they didn't change the rule at all.

Madden NFL 23 Madden NFL 23 claims that pass rushers must defy the law of physics or get a penalty, that's a joke.

If the Madden NFL 23 would have done any of these things, the Madden NFL 23 might be averted this mess by either not altering the rule at all, or by doing it in a way that actually subscribed to Buy Madden 23 Coins the laws of physics. But that would have required that they care about whether they got the right answer the first time around. It's hard to believe they actually do at this point.