There are numerous benefits to joining, for example rewards for experience gained when you level. At max the level War Mode also buy WoTLK Gold offers gold or resources as well as artifact power bonuses. It is possible to start War Mode at level 20 by visiting Orgrimmar in addition to Stormwind.

With War Mode is another feature bounties. Since War Mode is a PvP game, you can earn notoriety by killing other players. If you kill enough without dying to achieve the rank of assassin and receive an increase of 15 percent to damages and health. But there's danger in this, too. Players with a higher rank are more likely to be seen in maps and viewed by other players to kill and earn bounties from as well as conquest point.

The new Boralus or Zuldazar areas are equipped with outdoor arenas that are ideal for the new Dueler's Guild. As with the Brawler's guild, you'll be playing 1v1 matches with rival players. If you lose, you're out, but continue to win and you'll get some achievements and even a shot at the WoTLK Gold Contender title.