Whether deliberately or completely by chance, yesterday’s Dark And Darker Gold announcement came exactly 9 days after May 9th on May 18th. 1 + 8 = 9.

Grab your tinfoil and torches, because we are about to delve deep into the caverns of conspiracy. My prediction is that the prophecy of the 9 will be fulfilled exactly 9 days later, on May 27th. 2 + 7 = 9.

Therefore, we can all assume and believe that we will receive another announcement on May 27th. Hold the Line & Pray for the 9.

Is the new video a acceptable sign? I feel like the new video that SDF aloof arise is a bit of a bifold belted sword.

Obviously, if IM feels like they can absolution that footage in their accustomed situation, they allegation not be too abashed of the able acknowledged bearings appropriate now, which is of advance a abundant buy Darker Gold assurance for them and all of us.