Radical Summer, a summer-long Rocket League Items celebration of all things' 80s, has been now available since June 10th. During the 9-week event, it will have free items, new Premium Licensed DLCs, limited-time game modes, and more! What should be mentioned is Ghost Hunt mode, a brand new game mode which has been attracted many Rocket League fans. In order to play well in this brand new mode, here is something you should know about Ghost Hunt.   

What is Ghost Hunt?

Ghost Hunt is a new game mode featured in the '80s Blockbusters phase of Radical Summer. It is a 3v3 game mode where each team uses their proton stream power-ups to try to trap the ghostly ball in your opponents' Containment Zone. Ghost hunt features new, scary lighting and ghostly sound effects on the Urban Central Arena. It is playable from June 10th to July 1st during the Blockbusters phase of Radical Summer. As Ghost Hunt is available, you can go to play from the Main Menu, select Play Online and see a new tab for Ghost Hunt in the matchmaking window. 

Some Useful Strategies for Ghost Hunt  

To help you play better in Ghost Hunt, here is a few helpful tips for Ghost Hunt. It is divided into two parts: offense and defense. If you want to get more new items in Radical Summer, you'd better look through it carefully. It is hoped that it will be of some help for you.  


- Camp in the opponent's containment zone. One good pass from a teammate and I can sway the ball's trajectory in to the goal. I then stand my ground as my car might act as an obstacle for any defender trying to tap the ball out

- Save your proton stream until you are in the opponent's containment zone or if you've got a nice momentum and you're close. Getting the ball locked into the center of the containment swirl provides the strongest gravitational resistance to defender bumps

- Aim for the backboard. Getting the ball downfield and near the containment zone (especially above or behind it) is sometimes all you need for a quick proton stream redirect into the goal


- If you're taking a defensive position, hide behind your team's containment zone. You'd be surprised how well-obscured your car will seem to your opponent from a distance. I prefer to make my blue car a dark purple with no topper and I hover near the foggy pole outlines in the back

- While you're behind your goal adjust your car position to face the ball directly as it approaches. This may seem obvious but it's more challenging to clear a goal attempt in this mode than traditional ones since the gravity of the containment zone resists softer bumps more easily. That being said...

- A soft direct bump is sometimes all that is needed to save the ball if you get a nice bead on it from behind the goal. An attentive teammate outside the goal can then get a more effective clear

- Limit your proton charge in your own goal. If you're already in or near your own goal pulling the ball towards you can inhibit a teammate's attempt to clear

- Sometimes waiting for the ball to lock into the center of your goal increases your chances of clearing. This one is risky since you need to implement split-second tactics but when an opponent gets the ball centered in your goal you're no longer chasing after a moving target and trying to predict proton stream redirects

Practice makes prefect. Good strategies should be subject to numerous practices. All you should do is to practice more. If you want to know more about Rocket League and cheap Rocket League Items, Keys and Crates, stay tuned and we will bring you more information later. Should you Cheap RL Items have any doubts as to buying Rocket League Items or placing an order from Lolga.com, please feel free to contact us via our 24/7 online livechat. We will not let you down with our best service. Have fun in shopping Rocket League Items.