Moving on to legs you have the frost moon pans made by tailoring which are very very easy to craft a great starter piece if you don't have anything. Then you have the powerful pieces such as the made-of-stitch Brokk leggings from heroic Halls of Lightning and the sorrow graves britches from the legendary Old Guard Pinnacle as well as the cracks of color that come from guardsman heroic keep all three of these are very solid and durable items, with the britches sporting two socket slots, which is huge for a leg piece and they provide plenty of power to spell as well WoTLK Gold 

So that's really really good as well, and then for the brace just to kick things off. We have two very powerful braces that are equipped with the cuffs of the wing's levitation technology of Oculus and the wrap that savage wounds Rogue Drac.

These pieces are amazing due to the huge spellpower that comes with haste, which is one of your most powerful stats. You'll also have decent pieces, including they include the Azure fabric bindings of the Howard file hold and the bindings with a flame sphere from the heroic Old Kingdom.

Both these are decent braces that can spell and one can give me an urgent also, making them available. Not too bad of pieces. Moving to the alternatives for waste. There's the sash from the wizened worms from the worm or s fame that has them honored and the deep frozen cord that comes from the tailoring process. Both are sturdy, and they're not difficult to acquire either.

As you progress, you have stronger items such as the belt of dark mending of the Edmund blade reputation. You also have the belt of unified souls, which is the result of heroic culling from Stratholme. And the lastly you have the girdle of Bane of Hook-Up Guard keep. You know that these are all three some amazing amazing items that give some excellent hit and haste also WOW WoTLK Classic Gold for sale .

All three of these are amazing, great pieces, it all depends on what you need more But remember to put a cap on that hit so that's definitely your number one priority.

For boots, to start things out, you have two strong options, the sandals or crimson Fury of the Warm Rest name and the smooth, sleek boots made of tailoring.