Default Look is the original appearance of Diablo 4 Gold the armor or item, while Unequipped Look will make it disappear while still allowing you to receive the benefits of the armor or use the item. Following those are all of the other unlocked Looks you've obtained through the Diablo 4 salvage process, by breaking down armor and items marked in your inventory as "Unlocks new look on salvage" at a Blacksmith.

With your look chosen, you can also Select a Pigment to customize the color scheme of that specific piece, or hold down that prompt to apply the scheme to your whole outfit.Finally, when you're away from your wardrobe on your adventures, it's still possible to toggle the Diablo 4 transmog options you've chosen on and off. To do this, open your inventory and highlight the customized armor or item, then follow the transmog prompt to activate or deactivate it.? MMOEXP. Not to be reproduced without permission.

Bad news for Diablo 4 Druids that love using Barbarian weapons | MMOEXP  

Sorry, Druids: Blizzard's latest hotfix for Diablo 4 means Druids can no longer find Barbarian weapons in their drops.

As detailed in yesterday's hotfix update, Blizzard says the Barbarian Unique weapons Overkill, Hellhammer, and Ancient’s Oath will no longer drop for buy Diablo IV gold Druid players.