But I've never claimed to be a clever man.I was, at least what felt like at the moment, several some hours into my journey through Stormveil. The crucial Flask of Crimson Tears (read: Estus Flask) that serves as the primary source of restoring health in Elden Ring was empty and I was not prepared to Elden Ring Runes commit the magic energy necessary to make the healing spell of my prophet. The health of my body was decent place, but I was determined to find a shortcut before taking on another battle. This is when I came across an unnerving, multi-armed monster I had come across as being a pain in the ass in the closed network test. But after having exhausted all possible avenues, I realized my only way forward was through the cathedral-like place the creature called home.

I started slow. I slipped behind my enemy, I used my last small bit of magic to cast Flame Sling, a long-range fireball incantation I learned after defeating Stormveil's first boss. This, my most powerful attack, wiped out less than one-tenth of the monster's health which prompted me to take a hightail to the room next to it. I weighed my choices. Should I return to the last checkpoint I was at and see if I could come back by utilizing more tools? But, I thought that it would take too long. Should I take on this guy directly with my short spear? Absolutely not, I'm just not skilled enough in this kind of game.

Then it hit me that if the beast eventually forgets about me and went back to its route, I'd have the ability to walk on tiptoes while the monster's back was turned, take a few hits the back, then run back to cheap Elden Ring Items my safety zone and then repeat.