“Save Me” (SpasiMenya) Fund for Animal Welfare
60-a Molodogvardeitsev str., Chelyabinsk 454136, Russia
t. (351) 792-95-78
E-mail: karenpers@mail.ru
TIN 7447040800
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- Pets and Animals
Recent Updates
- #saveanimalsRescatan a Simba, el cachorro de león al que partieron las patas para que turistas se hicieranfotos con él: https://www.lasexta.com/noticias/sociedad/rescatan-simba-cachorro-leon-que-partieron-patas-que-turistas-hicieran-fotos_202006125ee3c1e1b27bce000195a5bf.html #saveanimals
- Lion cub learns to walk again after captors break his legs to prevent escape: https://www.indiatvnews.com/trending/offbeat-video-lion-cub-learns-to-walk-again-after-captors-break-his-legs-to-prevent-escape-625575
- Affamé, pattescassées, aspergéd’eaugelée… Ce lionceau a vécul’enfer pour des selfies: https://www.30millionsdamis.fr/actualites/article/19391-affame-pattes-cassees-asperge-deau-gelee-ce-lionceau-a-vecu-lenfer-pour-des-selfies/?fbclid=IwAR0bzjl4iPEgT-jmOx9R6l2rkE0Vr38tysefRRJQgAhO0y3LtUembMFWdac #saveanimals
- SAVE SIMBA. Tortured lion cub had legs broken by Russian owners to stop him escaping while being forced to pose with holidaymakers: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12337853/tortured-lion-cub-legs-broken-russia-tourists-pictures/ #saveanimals
- UPDATE: LION CUB WITH LEGS BROKEN FOR TOURIST SELFIES IS GOING TO A SANCTUARY:https://ladyfreethinker.org/update-lion-cub-who-had-legs-broken-for-tourist-selfies-will-get-a-fresh-start-to-life-in-africa/
- #saveanimalsLion cub had its legs broken 'so it could not escape while tourists posed for photos with it' and had to be taught to walk again after it was rescued in Russia
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8406827/Russian-lion-cub-legs-broken-not-escape-tourists-posed-photos-it.html?fbclid=IwAR2Ur_g0jvnuy9UAjS4bIGIUaRnMYnmoHS1kYt4AX_rLsvimzshtONRvse8 #saveanimals - Friends, remember last year, Honorary professor of Hitotsubashi University and leader of the public movement for the conservation of the Amur tiger population in the Land of the Rising Sun Keiko Seki released a non-fiction "Amur Tiger: Ecology and conservation Strategy". One of the chapters of this invaluable work is devoted to the story of the rescue of the tiger Zhorik and Dr. Karen Dallakyan. The author and the veterinarian met seven years ago at a conference in Khabarovsk and have maintained warm friendly relations ever since. The other day, a translation was kindly sent to us from Japan, and we are very happy to publish it.
Comment from the publisher
A book that gives us the opportunity to think about environmental problems through the prism of describing the situation of tigers. The Amur tiger is a red–book predatory animal that lives in the evergreen forests of Siberia and heads the biosystem of the Siberian and Far Eastern regions. The decrease in the number of tigers is associated with a change in the environment of the region. Through the book, you can feel the author's reverent attitude to the Amur tiger and the enormous energy directed at improving the environment. Analyzing the relationship between man and the striped predator, the book allows us to touch nature and think about environmental problems. It will be useful in conversations with children about environmental issues.
Friends, remember last year, Honorary professor of Hitotsubashi University and leader of the public movement for the conservation of the Amur tiger population in the Land of the Rising Sun Keiko Seki released a non-fiction "Amur Tiger: Ecology and conservation Strategy". One of the chapters of this invaluable work is devoted to the story of the rescue of the tiger Zhorik and Dr. Karen Dallakyan. The author and the veterinarian met seven years ago at a conference in Khabarovsk and have maintained warm friendly relations ever since. The other day, a translation was kindly sent to us from Japan, and we are very happy to publish it. Comment from the publisher A book that gives us the opportunity to think about environmental problems through the prism of describing the situation of tigers. The Amur tiger is a red–book predatory animal that lives in the evergreen forests of Siberia and heads the biosystem of the Siberian and Far Eastern regions. The decrease in the number of tigers is associated with a change in the environment of the region. Through the book, you can feel the author's reverent attitude to the Amur tiger and the enormous energy directed at improving the environment. Analyzing the relationship between man and the striped predator, the book allows us to touch nature and think about environmental problems. It will be useful in conversations with children about environmental issues. -
- the bear cub was taken to the shelter wounded #bear #saveanimals
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